Execute PowerShell Scripts from Your Smartphone

Suppose you are on vacation/commute/away from your desk and get an emergency IT request. Would not it be cool to just text the PowerShell commands from your phone to your desk, have PowerShell over there execute the script, and send you back the results? 😉

Turns out this is very easy to do. All you need is Outlook, a simple rule in it, a simple PowerShell script and Outlook macro.

Here’s how this all works:

  1. You set up an Outlook rule to check for incoming email with a specific keyword (e.g. $PowerShell$) in the subject and sent from your specific email address.
  2. You send the PowerShell script in the email body and put the keyword in the subject.
  3. The Outlook rule starts an Outlook script and a PowerShell script.
  4. The Outlook script saves the email as a text file and waits for the transcript.
  5. The PowerShell script executes the script exported by Outlook.
  6. Outlook sends the result back.

That is it!

No to the details on how to set this up!
1. Outlook script:
a. In Outlook (I am using 2007 but this should work on the previous ones just fine), click Tools/Macro/Visual Basic Editor.
b. Paste this script into the editor:

' (C) Dmitry Sotnikov
' https://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com
' Add this to your Outlook macros project
' Then associate SaveAsText with a rule procesing
' emails from your address with a keyword in subject

' This is to have a Sleep function in Outlook
Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

' The main function saving the script email as text
' and sending back the transcript
Sub SaveAsText(MyMail As MailItem)
    ' Export email (with PowerShell script in body) as a text file
    MyMail.SaveAs "c:\scripts\outlook.ps1", olTXT
    ' Create a response email
    Dim reMail As Outlook.MailItem
    Set reMail = MyMail.Reply
    ' wait till transcript is available
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    While Not fs.FileExists("C:\Scripts\email_transcript.txt")
        Sleep 1000
    ' attach the transcript and send it back
    reMail.Attachments.Add "C:\Scripts\email_transcript.txt"
End Sub

c. Close the Editor.

2. Create a PowerShell script which processes the script (removes the message header, executes, saves transcript). I called it execute_email.ps1 and saved to c:\scripts. Here’s the script:

# (C) Dmitry Sotnikov
# https://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com
# This is a PowerShell companion script for Outlook
# macro processing PowerShell commands from email

# Delete any previous transcripts and start a new one
Remove-Item "c:\Scripts\email_transcript.txt" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Start-Transcript "c:\Scripts\email_transcript_temp.txt"

# wait till Outlook saves the script email
while ( -not (Test-Path "c:\Scripts\outlook.ps1")) {
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

# Read the script, skip the header lines, execute the rest
Get-Content "c:\Scripts\outlook.ps1" | Where { $i++ -gt 4 } > "c:\Scripts\justscript.ps1"
. "c:\Scripts\justscript.ps1"

# Remove the old script
Remove-Item "c:\Scripts\outlook.ps1" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Remove-Item "c:\Scripts\justscript.ps1" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

# Stop transcript and make it available for Outlook to send back
Rename-Item "c:\Scripts\email_transcript_temp.txt" -NewName "email_transcript.txt"

3. Create a cmd file which starts PowerShell and executes the script. I called it execute_email.cmd, saved to the same folder c:\scripts and it just have one single line:
powershell.exe "c:\scripts\execute_email.ps1"

4. In Outlook click Tools/Rules and Alerts and create the rule, which executes the Outlook macro and the cmd:

Outlook rule to export PowerShell script, execute it, and send back the transcript

You have just created a remote execution system working from any phone or internet kiosk!

Let’s test it. For example, let’s say I need to add someone to a group. I just send the script to my email address:

A sample email with a PowerShell script

Outlook at my desk gets the email, saves it as text, kicks PowerShell execution, and sends me back the transcript.

Just make sure you change the keyword for something no one can guess, take your smartphone with you and go home. There’s no need to be sitting by your desk anymore. 😉

Acknowledgments: this is based on a great Lifehacker forum post on shutting down a computer based on a message. They also have posts on using other email clients such as Thunderbird or Mac Mail.app.

For your convenience I am also attaching the script files:

[UPDATE] Important: Just to make it clear: return address does not guarantee security and can be easily faked. Make sure you keep the keyword in secret or implement other means of additional protection – see one of my comments below. (So weird that Outlook does not allow to execute rules only if the email signature is verified. This could be another additional way to protect the system.)

[UPDATE 2] There’s also now a commercial alternative solution – PowerGUI Pro MobileShell – which gives in-browser PowerShell prompt from any computer or mobile device to a server in your IT environment.

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30 Responses to “Execute PowerShell Scripts from Your Smartphone”

  1. 1 Brent O. May 8, 2008 at 11:24 am

    Utilities like Postie will let you send an email “from” any email address in the world. It’s a lot of fun to send emails to your coworkers “from” their boss, saying they’re fired. But that’s another story.

    Anyway, this is prime hacking territory, and this is why you have to make absolutely sure you change that subject keyword to something no one else could possibly guess. Otherwise, if someone uses Postie to send you a PowerShell script to your email address, and they spoof the “from” address, your Outlook would run those commands with your domain account’s security. That is seriously, seriously dangerous.

    Just making sure everybody understands that part.

  2. 2 dmitrysotnikov May 8, 2008 at 11:28 am

    Good point Brent. Yes, return address does not guarantee security, and you would definitely want to keep the keyword a secret or make the script a bit more complex, for example:
    1. When you get the first email with the script request, reply prompting for a confirmation.
    2. Only when a confirmation is received execute the actual script.

    This would protect you from someone faking your address (because he or she will not get the validation request.)

  3. 3 nicolas May 15, 2008 at 12:46 pm

    you have too much time in your hand…..

  4. 4 kayla June 4, 2008 at 8:20 pm

    It isn’t working for me. I send my powershell command in the body of the email, on my PC I get a CMD window that comes up and the email_transcript_temo.txt file states that the transcript was started, output file is …..
    The powershell commands are very simple commands, like adding full permission to an AD account, etc. It doesn’t appear that outlook is tranferring the body of the email into text. I have 3 files in my c:\scripts folder
    . email_transcript_temp.txt
    Any ideas? I would love this to work. Ultimately I’m looking to be able to start and stop services on our exchange server remotely.

  5. 5 dmitrysotnikov June 9, 2008 at 9:40 am


    You need to troubleshoot your Outlook macro & rule. The macro is creating the c:\scripts\outlook.ps1 file with the body of your email which PowerShell then executes.

    Looks like in your case the file does not get created – either the rule does not get started or something else happens.


  6. 6 Ryan July 24, 2008 at 4:13 pm


    I am also having the same issue with the macro as the outlook.ps1 does not get created.

    I followed your instructions for creating the macro. But I think this needs some more clarification.

    I post your code into the “ThisOutlookSession” and save. However, when I set up the rule to run the script. I see two different options. Project1.ThisOutlookSession.SaveAsText & Project1.ThisOutlookSession.Sleep. I’m not sure why this happens. I assume this is because of the two different Sub calls. One for Declare & the otehr SaveAsText.

    When I go to tools-> macro -> macros. I don’t see any Macros listed.

    So please tell me what I am doing wrong?

  7. 7 dmitrysotnikov July 28, 2008 at 2:19 pm


    Let me troubleshoot this later this week and get back to you…


  8. 8 Bill July 29, 2008 at 7:36 pm


    I am also having the same issue with the macro as the outlook.ps1 does not get created.

    I have the same issues as Ryan..

  9. 9 dmitrysotnikov August 1, 2008 at 3:48 pm

    Now the macro does not seem to work for me either. 😦 Probably some change of Outlook behavior introduced in a recent patch. I have posted the question to the microsoft.public.outlook.program_vba newsgroup:

    Hello world!

    Let’s see what these guys have to say.

  10. 10 dmitrysotnikov August 1, 2008 at 3:57 pm

    Hm… I got this fixed for me…

    All I did was:
    1. Going to Tools / Trust Center / Macro Security.
    2. Changing the security level there to lowest (probably an overkill and needs to be properly tweaked now).
    3. Restarting Outlook.

  11. 11 Ryan August 19, 2008 at 6:13 pm


    I too had to lower the sec level of outlook. But I also had to change MyMail.SaveAs & MyMail.Reply to MailItem during original configuration of rule to run script. after this was defined I was able to change back in vb editor.

    I also encountered another issue with being able to run the macro by itself. Here is my post and answer on another forum. http://help.wugnet.com/office/Macro-arguement-defined-ftopict1126762.html

    I’ve been running this in production in conjuntion with the VMware Toolkit for several weeks. AND LOVE IT !!

  12. 12 dmitrysotnikov August 19, 2008 at 6:19 pm


    I am glad that this was helpful!

    And thanks for the additional tips!


  13. 13 Owen April 3, 2009 at 8:20 pm

    This is excellent. I have a workstation that has the Exchange Management Shell install. When I run basic Powershell commands it works, when I specify Exchange commands it does not recognize it. How do I get it to use the exchange shell instead or to have basic powershell load the exchange shell to execute the commands.

  14. 14 Dmitry Sotnikov April 6, 2009 at 8:04 am


    This is because Exchange cmdlet library (aka “snapin”) is not loaded by default on your computer.

    To fix this, open your PowerShell profile [ https://dmitrysotnikov.wordpress.com/2008/01/25/dude-wheres-my-powershell-profile/ ] and add this line to it:

    Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin

    Alternatively, you can start all your emails which have Exchange commands with this line.


  15. 16 Nathan Hartley March 4, 2010 at 9:05 pm

    Thanks Dmitry! I had started into creating the very same solution when I ran across this article. It proved very inspirational. In the end, the script below is what I came up with.

    In addition to the security concerns mentioned above, if you are emailing yourself, be sure to add an exception to your rule to ignore messages with “Re:” in the subject line or you will create an infinite email loop.


    Sub InvokePowershell(MyMail As MailItem)

    Dim scriptName, scriptOutput, scriptCmd, rtn

    scriptName = Environ(“TEMP”) & “\Invoke-Email.ps1”
    scriptOutput = Environ(“TEMP”) & “\Invoke-Email_output.txt”
    scriptCmd = “powershell.exe -NoLogo -NonInteractive -File “”” & scriptName & “”””

    ‘ Save the script to a temp file
    Set fs = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
    Set scriptFile = fs.CreateTextFile(scriptName, True)
    scriptFile.WriteLine (“Start-Transcript ‘” & scriptOutput & “‘”)
    scriptFile.WriteLine (MyMail.Body)
    scriptFile.WriteLine (“Stop-Transcript”)
    Set scriptFile = Nothing

    ‘ Run the script
    Set WshShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
    rtn = WshShell.Run(scriptCmd, 0, True)
    Set WshShell = Nothing

    ‘ Reply with the results
    Dim reMail As Outlook.MailItem
    Set reMail = MyMail.Reply
    If fs.FileExists(scriptOutput) = True Then
    ‘ Add results as attachment
    ‘ reMail.Body = “Output attached. RC: ” & rtn
    ‘ reMail.Attachments.Add scriptOutput
    ‘ Add to results to body
    Set oTextStream = fs.OpenTextFile(scriptOutput, 1, False, -1)
    reMail.Body = oTextStream.ReadAll
    Set oTextStream = Nothing
    reMail.Body = “No Output. RC: ” & rtn
    End If

    Set reMail = Nothing
    Set fs = Nothing

    End Sub

  16. 19 Dmitry Sotnikov March 9, 2010 at 1:34 pm


    If VPN is not an option, there is a bunch of solutions you can use for secure “reverse proxy” http access from the internet. For example, I know that Quest has a tool for that (WebThority). I guess I need to find time to blog about that at some point… I will – just need to set up the lab and make the screenshots, and so on…


  17. 20 Robson November 15, 2011 at 10:18 pm

    that’s freaking awesome! thanks, now I can rest on the Bahama’s beach
    and maintain system remotely from my android phone 🙂

    Any idea how to remotely login to a workstation if i will be restarted
    during power break etc 😉

  18. 21 Tyson May 5, 2012 at 12:46 am

    Here is the condensed idiot’s guide (that I wrote for myself and emailed to myself so I wouldn’t have to suffer through re-creating this feature again):

    Outlook, open “Developer” tab -> Visual Basic -> ThisOutlookSession.
    If “Developer” tab is not present, customize your outlook bar and add the tab.

    Paste this code below into code body window that appears when you double-click the “ThisOutlookSession” object:

    ‘——————————————————- BEGIN SCRIPT ——————————————————-
    Sub InvokePowershell(MyMail As MailItem)

    Dim scriptName, scriptOutput, scriptCmd, rtn

    scriptName = Environ(“TEMP”) & “\Invoke-Email.ps1”
    scriptOutput = Environ(“TEMP”) & “\Invoke-Email_output.txt”
    scriptCmd = “powershell.exe -NoLogo -NonInteractive -File “”” & scriptName & “”””

    ‘ Save the script to a temp file
    Set fs = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
    Set scriptFile = fs.CreateTextFile(scriptName, True)
    scriptFile.WriteLine (“Start-Transcript ‘” & scriptOutput & “‘”)
    scriptFile.WriteLine (MyMail.Body)
    scriptFile.WriteLine (“Stop-Transcript”)
    Set scriptFile = Nothing

    ‘ Run the script
    Set WshShell = CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
    rtn = WshShell.Run(scriptCmd, 0, True)
    Set WshShell = Nothing

    ‘ Reply with the results
    Dim reMail As Outlook.MailItem
    Set reMail = MyMail.Reply
    If fs.FileExists(scriptOutput) = True Then
    ‘ Add results as attachment
    ‘ reMail.Body = “Output attached. RC: ” & rtn”
    ‘ reMail.Attachments.Add scriptOutput
    ‘ Add to results to body
    Set oTextStream = fs.OpenTextFile(scriptOutput, 1, False, -1)
    reMail.Body = oTextStream.ReadAll
    reMail.Subject = “Script Results”
    Set oTextStream = Nothing
    reMail.Subject = “Script Failure”
    reMail.Body = “No Output. RC: ” & rtn
    End If
    End Sub
    ‘——————————————————- END SCRIPT ——————————————————-

    Create out look rule to “Run a Script”. Your “InvokePowershell” script (the name of the script you just created) should appear in the dropdown list in the script selection popup window.

    Create an Outlook rule:
    (x) on this computer only
    (x) with specific words in the subject boy: $secretword$
    (x) from people or public group:
    (x) run a script
    (x) except if the subject or body contains specific words: “re:” or “fw:”

  19. 23 Adrian November 26, 2017 at 6:19 pm

    I gave this a shot with a simple command, Get-date, but got an error on the Outlook script here:

    Sub SaveAsText(MyMail As MailItem)

    Compile error: sub or function not defined

    Any ideas?

  20. 24 chaozkreator June 20, 2022 at 5:32 am

    Can’t get the VBA script part to work. I’m using Outlook 365 and macro is allowed in Trust Center.

    • 25 chaozkreator June 20, 2022 at 5:49 am

      OK, so if I just use the following VBA code, it works:

      Sub SaveAsText(MyMail As MailItem)
      ‘ Export email (with PowerShell script in body) as a text file
      MyMail.SaveAs “c:\scripts\outlook.ps1”, olTXT
      End Sub

      So obviously, the code just needs to be tweaked to make it work in the newer version of Outlook. Problem is, I’m not a programmer and don’t know any VBA code.

  21. 26 chaozkreator June 20, 2022 at 6:05 am

    Figured it out. Here’s the updated VBA code. Issue is with the SLEEP part. I’ve replaced it with WAIT instead, see here – https://exceltrick.com/formulas_macros/vba-wait-and-sleep-functions/

    Sub SaveAsText2(MyMail As MailItem)

    ‘ Export email (with PowerShell script in body) as a text file
    MyMail.SaveAs “c:\scripts\outlook.ps1”, olTXT

    ‘ Create a response email
    Dim reMail As Outlook.MailItem
    Set reMail = MyMail.Reply

    ‘ wait till transcript is available
    Set fs = CreateObject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
    While Not fs.FileExists(“C:\Scripts\email_transcript.txt”)
    Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue(“0:00:01”))

    ‘ attach the transcript and send it back
    reMail.Attachments.Add “C:\Scripts\email_transcript.txt”
    End Sub

  22. 27 chaozkreator June 20, 2022 at 6:46 am

    Also need to fix up the Powershell script. The first 4 lines returned in the outlook.ps1 file will always include your email fields “From”, “Sent”, “To”, “Subject”. There won’t be a CC or BCC field because the presumption here is that you’ll only ever be sending this to yourself.

    This means you can assume it’ll always be OK to exclude the first 4 lines, no more, no less. However, you also need to exclude the signature in your email, otherwise they will be run in the Powershell script and will error out. So, the modified version now looks something like this:

    Remove-Item “c:\Scripts\email_transcript.txt” -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Start-Transcript “c:\Scripts\email_transcript_temp.txt”

    # wait till Outlook saves the script email
    while ( -not (Test-Path “c:\Scripts\outlook.ps1”)) {
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 1

    # Read the script, skip the header lines, execute the rest
    (Get-Content “c:\Scripts\outlook.ps1”) -replace “Bob Lastname” -replace “Blah title” -replace “Bob.lastname@gmail.com” -replace “\+64 22 555 5555” -replace “some random text” | select-object -skip 4 > “c:\Scripts\justscript.ps1”
    . “c:\Scripts\justscript.ps1”

    # Remove the old script
    Remove-Item “c:\Scripts\outlook.ps1” -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    Remove-Item “c:\Scripts\justscript.ps1” -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    # Stop transcript and make it available for Outlook to send back
    Rename-Item “c:\Scripts\email_transcript_temp.txt” -NewName “email_transcript.txt”

  1. 1 Development in a Blink » Blog Archive » PowerShell - cool idea or too much time on your hands? Trackback on May 8, 2008 at 4:49 pm
  2. 2 PowerScripting Podcast - Episode 26 « PowerScripting Podcast Trackback on May 19, 2008 at 2:03 am
  3. 3 Running PowerShell from your Mobile Phone « Small Business Tech Ramblings Trackback on May 22, 2008 at 8:18 pm

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May 2008